
Services and Programs

Consignment Agreements

  • Contracting with clients who are actively consuming material but need to generate meaningful cost reduction in their inventory positions. We work with MRO's and Airline's to analyze their inventory and identify excess material which can be sold at market prices, rather than traditional methods of inventory liquidation or consignment. We customize reporting and revenue sharing programs which focus on transparency, partnership, and tangible results.

Fleet Management

    An alternative to the traditional, "Power by the Hour" maintenance cost structure. The commitment is zero downtime for revenue producing aircraft while providing sizable savings on both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance events. We provide technical analysis of fleet operations to identify best practices for a given fleet's operational function. Our expertise in the component marketplace allows for maximum savings on maintenance events while partnering with OEM designated repair facilities to provide relief to an operators bottom line.

Exchange Pools

    An MRO's ability to provide consistent TAT's relies on a well-structured supply chain and best practices on the production line. Component exchange pools are a cost effective way to keep high-dollar or long lead time parts on the shelf without the overhead. Reliability and quality in the parts supply is paramount in the maintenance community; our commitment is to perform to our customer's needs and quality standard. We want to develop a partnership which helps keep promises to your customers and your inventory investments at a minimum.

Undervalued Asset Sales

    BIAero senior sales staff have over 2 decades experience in the divestiture or repositioning of aging and undervalued assets on behalf of aviation related companies. These assets include fleets of aircraft; excess or surplus inventories, supplemental type certificates, retiring product lines and entire companies. Often these assets are shielded from sight by balance sheet entries that do not adequately measure potential market value. They are often overlooked as being non-productive assets. Without proactive due diligence they can become liquidation targets rather than productive cash generating; profit generating resources.